Jumat, 11 September 2009

Peanut Dressing sauce from Indonesia

Welcome to Bumbu Pecel "Istimewa" blog. Indonesian Ver. Click here

bumbu-pecel-istimewa-komplitDedicated to all of traditional Indonesian heritage food lover, we proudly presents our finest product of "Istimewa" Peanut Dressing or so be called Bumbu Pecel "Istimewa" in Indonesian.

We are one of many home industries in Indonesia that produced high quality peanut dressing. Our product has been well known as a product that is fond of and chosen by our customers.

"Istimewa" Peanut Dressing was started to be produced around 1970's in Jogjakarta, Indonesia and are still produced until now with the same recipe as it was produced and sold in the market for the very first time. With the traditional recipe, "Istimewa" Peanut Dressing is not using any of food additives or preservatives in its components, and is made only from natural ingredients.

Our customers are often used "Istimewa" Peanut Dressing as a gift for their domestic relatives and also outside Indonesia, for catering services, and also being used in starred hotels kitchens in Indonesia as the traditional food course for their guests.

"Istimewa" Peanut Dressing also became one the favorite things to be brought for those who join the Hajj pilgrimage because of several reasons, like, easy to bring, easy to serve, easy and safe to keep as it is not oily, and for many other reasons.

The most important thing is that we are never heard any complaint from our customers that our "Istimewa" Peanut Dressing is not allowed to be brought by the customs outside Indonesia such as Australia, US, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and in more other countries.

What is the difference of "Istimewa" Peanut Dressing with other product?

"Istimewa" Peanut Dressing is made from the local Indonesian peanut which is fried using coconut oil that makes it more flavored and added with another high quality ingredients, properly manufactured resulting "Istimewa" Peanut Dressing can surpass until 6 months and still safe to be consumed with just keeping in Tupperware's jar or cupboard (unopened in room temperature outside refrigerator), and will survive much longer if it kept in refrigerator.


"Istimewa" Peanut Dressing originally has the texture of coarse particles, not sticky and not oily. With this kind of texture, "Istimewa" Peanut Dressing still has the same taste from the beginning until the last portion of the package, because it was thoroughly mixed. If preferred as many Indonesian did, "Istimewa" Peanut Dressing can be directly consumed without any addition of water or another liquid solution, in other words, it can be consumed by pouring freely upon warm rice and eat as the topping.

If you like to use it as the salad sauce in Indonesian vegetable salad or also known as "Gado-gado" , you can use "Istimewa" Peanut Dressing by adding coconut milk and stir manually above the average stove fire, and added with another ingredients as you like and needed.

How many tastes available for "Istimewa" Peanut Dressing?


"Istimewa" Peanut Dressing is available in two regular tastes, that is chili hot and non chili added. To all of our costumer that wants it to be hotter, they can add the chili themselves as needed.

"Istimewa" Peanut Dressing is available in 2 regular packages that are in plastic with the weight of 225 grams (see the picture above) and 900 grams. And we also pack it in a hard plastic jar with the net weight of 500 grams (see the picture in the left side). If our customer needs different form of packaging, we can make it also as special request package.

Our contact:

To readers who interested in our product, you can ask for further information, comments, or requests, to:

Toko Murah

Jalan Cempaka CT X / 08 Deresan, Jogjakarta Indonesia.

Ph. : +62 274 518 461

Mob : +62 812 159 88 83 / +62 888 274 83 37

E-mail : jsasangka@gmail.com

Web: http://bumbupecelistimewa.blogspot.com/

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need more information.

Best Regards.

Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia Ke-64

Selamat Ulang Tahun ke-64 RI ---MERDEKA---

Halo teman-teman penikmat pecel,
Saya harap semua dalam kondisi baik supaya dapat ikut berkarya dalam memperkenalkan budaya Indonesia dan melestarikannya selama hayat masih dikandung badan (Begitu kata-kata dalam sebuah lagu yang pernah saya dengar).

Selamat datang kembali di blog ini, bumbupecelistimewa.blogspot.com

Kali ini saya akan sedikit membahas mengenai tulisan tentang pecel yang baru saya temukan di jagat dunia maya ini. Saya membacanya di http://bermutu.wordpress.com.

Sungguh menarik apa yang dituliskan di situ. Entah bagaimana kebenarannya, tetapi paling tidak, ada seseorang yang juga memperhatikan kekayaan budaya kuliner khas Indonesia yang sekarang mulai digemari juga oleh orang asing. Semoga ada teman-teman lain nantinya yang ikut meneliti tentang sejarah hadirnya bumbu pecel ini sebelum keduluan teman-teman dari luar Indonesia. Karena pecel ini adalah sebuah warisan budaya khas asli Indonesia.

Sepengamatan saya, cukup banyak juga teman-teman yang suka dengan kuliner khas Indonesia yang berjuluk pecel ini. Seringkali, teman-teman saya yang seorang mahasiswa pendatang dari luar Jogjakarta yang makan pecel, gado-gado, dan lainnya yang berbahan bumbu kacang juga. Tapi saya juga belum tergelitik untuk ikutan menelitinya karena saya bukanlah seorang yang bakat meneliti sesuatu. Saya jual bumbunya aja deh... hehehe...

Ayo teman-teman yang ngaku suka pecel, berikanlah komentar anda di sini atau di blog teman saya di bermutu.wordpress.com. Biar kita bisa bikin komunitas penggemar pecel di jagat maya ini... Saya tunggu kabarnya yaaaa!!! Trims.

Yang membutuhkan bumbu pecelnya,
Kontak kami di jsasangka@gmail.com atau di 08121598883.

Terima kasih sekali lagi buat anda.